Old but gold
Old but gold

Dichiarazione nutrizionale, 2018.

Glazed ceramic, photoceramic decals.

16x18x16 cm, private collection.

First prize winner of CERCO 2019, Zaragoza.

Zeuss 120/1, 2018.

Rotary card index, decals and linocuts on paper, letterpress.

24x26x24 cm, private collection.

Finalist of Be the difference with art 2019 award,Rotary Club.

Some clothes to read, 2018.

Etching and aquatint on zinc, letterpress, billing tiles, fabric, nylon.

140x70 cm, private collection.

Courtesy Galleria del premio di Suzzara.

Young Artists’ Award winner of Arte in arti e mestieri 2018, Suzzara (MN).