Full mime jobs: Pizza chef
Full mime jobs: Pizza chef

[Pizzeria Casa Kunstschau is part of Full mime jobs]

Pizzeria Casa Kunstschau

Performance, June 11-July 9, 2022.

Kunstschau contemporary place, Lecce.

Flour, glue, paints, plaster, pigments, wood, modeling pastes, plastic, stainless steel. Environmental dimensions.

The exhibition space is transformed into a strange takeaway pizzeria, giving the illusion of an authentic environment and offering the visitor a verisimilar glimpse of everyday life. Each item, an oven, a counter, the menu, even the pizza maker, introduces us to an environmental trompe l'oeil in which everything takes on the character of a perfectly realistic simulacrum.

During the exhibition period, like in a real pizzeria, viewers could order their own custom pizza, which could be picked up at the venue or home delivered, unaware that they were getting a fake pizza made with sculptural ingredients created by the artist herself.

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Interior setup of the pizzeria.

Counter to produce the pizzas and ingredients.

Digital cash register and order holder.

Mock oven with mosaic decoration.

Pizza slices for sale at the counter.

Details of some of the pizzas created.

Packaging for take-out round pizzas.

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